
CybrHawk Cloud Audits with AWS

AWS Visibility: CybrHawk Instant Visibility for Amazon Cloud Instances
Security Compliance: Identify, compare and evaluate threats faster and streamline cyber analytics investigations. Maintaining compliance with internal and external standards (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and CCPA.)
Cyber Security Framework

CybrHawk Cloud Audits with Azure

Azure Visibility:CybrHawk Instant Visibility provides advanced and intelligent visibility of Azure Instances. Security Compliance: Identify, compare and evaluate threats faster and streamline cyber analytics investigations. Maintaining compliance with internal and external standards (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and CCPA.)
Microsoft Azure Audits
Microsoft Network Inspector
Microsoft SQL
Microsoft Active Directory

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Whether you’re ready to speak with someone about pricing, want to dive deeper on a specific topic, or have a problem that you’re not sure we can address, we’ll connect you with someone who can help.